Energizers get your classroom or school moving. They’re quick, fun ideas that are easy to implement throughout the day for a lively pick-me-up. Each document below is a separate activity.
Physically Distanced Activities for the Classroom COVID-19 Resource
Even in alternative learning situations, there are still many ways to engage students in movement in a safe way.
Animal Alphabet Activity Cards
With APPLE Schools’ support, Ever Active Schools developed this resource to get kids moving like the animals on the alphabet cards. Stomp like an elephant, crawl like a bear, or gorilla squat! Print them for your classroom to keep your students moving every day.
Air Writing
Students will practice drawing shapes and letters, or spelling words in the air using their hands, feet, arms, legs for some kinesthetic learning.
A fun group dance activity to explain the positive attributes of physical activity.
As If…
Develop imaginations with this physical activity and play-based energizer where the teacher reads different sentences to the class such as “jog in place as if a big scary bear is chasing you”.
All My Friends
A great and easy way to get kids moving. You can get creative and incorporate math and other subject links within this energizer.
Banana Dance
This action song is fun and a great way to celebrate the banana.
Do This, Do That
This energizer is played similar to ‘Simon Says’. The teacher will go through a variety of movements and could also be lead by student leaders.
Funky Food Rhymes
Use traditional nursery rhymes with food-related lyrics to teach about the food groups.
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Everyone sings the song ‘Head and Shoulders’ while doing the actions for each part. See all the details here.
Heart Smart
This energizer can be used to teach all about the heart and offers activities to help reinforce the learning outcomes.
Knots of People
Develop problem-solving skills and leadership skills with this human knot energizer.
Litter Box
Ask the partners to pick up the paper using the body parts called out by the teacher.
Millimetre, Centimetre, Metre
Use this classroom activity to teach different kinds of measurements while getting students up and moving.
Mingle, Mingle, Mingle
Getting into groups or partners is a highly stressful ordeal for kids, for fear of being chosen last. This activity can create new kinds of partners and reduces the stress of pairing up.
Morning Routine
Get your students moving at the start of every day by developing a morning physical activity routine.
Over, Under, Around and Through
Students can learn to follow directions with this fun classroom activity.
Pull My Finger
This energizer can teach quick reflexes and strong listen/following instruction skills.
Rock! Paper! Scissors! Evolution!
This is a RPS game where each win increases the level that the student is playing at. The goal is to get to the top level and stay there.
Smile, Clap, Hurray!
This energizer helps the brain to instantly process increasingly difficult challenges and will also get students moving.
Warm Up Apples
Help students develop strong memories and directional skills while laughing and being active.
Do you have a wiggly class? This energizer can be used to burn off a little extra energy so you can back to your curricular work.