Become an APPLE Donor

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Canadian youth are facing a significant health challenge, with rising rates of chronic diseases, obesity, and declining mental well-being. But there’s hope, and you can be part of the solution!

Your generosity makes it possible to provide the support systems and interventions that our youth need to thrive. When you give, you’re contributing to healthier futures for children and their communities. Join us in this important work and be the changemaker who makes a real difference!

Every dollar raised is strategically invested in fostering long-term health benefits and ensuring our school communities bear no financial burden for the support they receive. Simply put – your donation goes straight to schools, ensuring maximum impact with minimal operational costs.

For just $10 a month, you can help kids experience:

  • A new taste test in a school where everyone gets a chance to try new healthy foods.
  • Increased physical activity opportunities through the use of an APPLE School Daily Physical Activity (DPA) bin.
  • Enhanced well-being through the use of a Mental Health Bin for the classroom.

Or, a one-time donation of $500 could:

  • Support the establishment of a school garden, providing students with hands-on learning experiences and access to fresh produce.
  • Provide a class with transportation to a new physical activity, giving students the opportunity to explore new ways to stay active and healthy.

If making an individual donation isn’t feasible for you right now, there are still ways to contribute. You can:

  • advocate on our behalf within your network
  • spread the word about our organization and its goals
  • reach out to companies with community development teams who might be interested in supporting us

Just like the possibilities for the students we support, the opportunities for a meaningful and impactful donation are endless! For more information, please contact Cari Foster, Philanthropy and Donor Relations Officer.