APPLE Schools and Ophea Join Forces for Healthier School Communities

Big things are coming! APPLE Schools and Ophea are all about fostering healthy, vibrant school communities where students can thrive. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce an exciting collaboration between our two organizations that will take our efforts to the next level!

This fall, APPLE Schools will work with six schools in the Durham District School Board to deliver health education centred on nutritious eating, physical activity, and mental wellness through a comprehensive health lens. Leveraging Ophea’s extensive network, strong relationships, and specialized expertise in the region for success, the Apple approach involves working closely with schools to create tailored action plans, providing mentorship, and equipping them with funds and resources to prioritize student and teacher well-being.

APPLE Schools has been dedicated to promoting health and wellness in school communities since starting in 10 Alberta schools in 2007. Recognized internationally as a top 100 innovative global education project, it now actively supports over 33,000 students annually in over 100 schools in Alberta, BC, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and now, Ontario! APPLE Schools focuses on empowering students to make informed choices about their health, whether it’s through encouraging healthy eating, promoting physical activity, or supporting mental well-being.

Ophea has been a driving force for health and learning in Ontario schools since 1921. Through quality programs, advocacy, and partnerships, Ophea works tirelessly to enhance the health and well-being of children and youth across the province. From providing curriculum support to setting safety standards for physical activity, Ophea is at the forefront of creating and recognizing healthier school environments.

When asked about what they were most looking forward to as a result of this opportunity to work in partnership with Apple Schools and Ophea, Tanya Urbancic-Venemore, K-12 Facilitator for the Arts and Health & Physical Education within the Student Achievement and Curriculum Department with Durham District School Board shared: 

APPLE Schools extends its gratitude to the St. Michael’s Foundation and Even the Odds, a philanthropic arm of Staples Canada, for providing the financial support to make this exciting new collaboration possible. 

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as we embark on this exciting journey together this fall!