APPLE Schools is proud to announce that we have once again been recognized as one of the top 100 global education innovations by HundrED, a Helsinki-based organization dedicated to identifying transformative and scalable educational innovations worldwide.
APPLE Schools was selected from over 3,000 innovations, subject to a comprehensive evaluation by an expert academy board. This achievement not only highlights the profound effect the organization is having on the lives of children in Alberta and across Canada but is also internationally recognized for its significant impact and scalability in the educational landscape.
In APPLE Schools, students play a key role in shaping a healthy school environment. This has been proven to lead to improved health habits, increased happiness, and improved academic performance as they embrace healthy lifelong habits related to physical activity, mental health, and nutrition.
“We are deeply honoured to receive this international recognition, which underscores our unwavering commitment to our vision of fostering healthy children in healthy schools,” says Jenn Flynn, Executive Director at APPLE Schools. “This award will be celebrated with all 97 APPLE Schools and reaffirms our joint commitment to lead, make healthy choices, and support sustainable change in underserved communities.”
Thank You
We express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has played a role in achieving this recognition. This includes our funders, districts, principals, partners, teachers, school health facilitators, champions, school staff, parents, and, of course, the students. Without the collective efforts of these individuals, this achievement would not have been possible. We take great pride in every APPLE school community and their remarkable leadership in promoting the well-being of students in healthy school environments.
This marks the third time APPLE Schools has received this distinction, following previous acknowledgments by HundrED in 2020 and 2023.