APPLE Wellness Policy Tree
Purpose: To assist in developing a general wellness policy by creating parameters and encouraging conversations around it.
APPLE Wellness Policy Tree Process
Break it Down and Build it Up
Purpose: To provide a structure for the APPLE Core Committee or staff to review their current action plan with the intent to prioritize activities for the school year.
This process is best for the start of the school year to prep the action plan for the current year, OR for the end of the year to prep for the following school year.
Break it Down and Build it Up Process
Bridging the Gap
Purpose: To identify any gaps in comprehensive school health implementation at the school level, and brainstorm activities or initiatives that will bridge the gaps.
Cause and Effect
Purpose: To celebrate the great things happening in your school community, reflect on what may have led to some negative results and how it is possible to affect change in the school community, and plan for the future.
NOTE: This process is to be used by schools in years 1, 2, or 3 of project implementation.
Creating a 10-Month Action Plan
Purpose: To create a document that guides the school with their health and wellness goals (school action plan).
Creating a 10-Month Action Plan Process
Decision Dollars
Purpose: To provide a framework for voting on ideas, activities, or best options. Participants can include staff, students, parents, or community members and each person has an equal voice in the process.
Purpose: To provide a framework for voting on ideas, activities, or best options with each participant having an equal voice. Participants can include staff, students, parents, or community members.
Hard Questions
Purpose: To discuss potentially contentious topics of wellness in the school community, generate discussion around areas of a future policy or action plan that needs discussion, and to safely allow all participants to express opinions.
High Return on Investment
Purpose: To help your school community (planning committee, Core APPLE committee, staff, or parent council) identify health and wellness priorities, and evaluate their impact as defined by the time and money necessary to support them.
High Return on Investment Process
Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) Process
Purpose: Collect diverse feedback to assess the current state of health in your school community and use the generated data to inform future practices that should create measurable changes to the school environment
Percent is Right
Purpose: To share important information from your school’s research report in a fun and engaging way.
Positive Delta
Purpose: To collect, share, and celebrate positive activities and ideas that are working in the school community, and to brainstorm ideas and activities that could be introduced or changed.
Sharing the Load
Purpose: To familiarize staff or parents with the school’s action plan and to spread responsibilities of the action plan among all stakeholders.
Simultaneous Round Table
Purpose: To gather ideas on various topics pertaining to your school community health, and allow for participants to build on other people’s ideas in a timely manner. This process is quick and good to do in staff meetings where time is limited.
Simultaneous Round Table Process
Spider Web Process
Purpose: To allow participants to share their thoughts and build on others’ ideas using a focused brainstorm session to gather consensus on a specific topic.
Trimming the Weeds
Purpose: To provide a framework to review resources with the intent of weeding out those that participants do not find valuable and relevant.
Purpose: To guide participants through visualizing what a healthy school community that follows the comprehensive school model looks, feels, and sounds like.
Weathering Change
Purpose: To encourage participants to look at an issue or question through new lenses, creating a well-rounded perspective to generate positive solutions.